William Buhlman

posted in: Explorers | 0

William Buhlman is a best-selling author and leading expert on the subject of out-of-body experiences. The author’s 40+ years of extensive personal out-of-body explorations give him a unique and thought-provoking insight into this subject. His first book, Adventures Beyond the … Continued

An OBE Experience about Karen659

posted in: Astral Travel | 2

Readers who have been with us for awhile, know we have written many posts about a lady named Karen and she has guest posted for us as well (https://www.thegatewayexperience.com/oobe-personal-experiences/) She writes an amazing blog called Travels of a Dream Walker … Continued

Joseph Salaske’s Experience

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My 1st ever experience was when I was 5-ish!! I remember it sooo clear still today. Almost every night I have some sort of weird experience, whether its quick glimpse like oobe’s or astral projections, sleep paralysis! !?? I have … Continued

David #2’s Experience

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My first ever experience with being out of body happened I would say when I was about 14. When I say it happened, I mean it happened. I awoke in the middle of the night to find myself standing next … Continued

Juan Batista’s Experience

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i used to travel out of my body lots of times as a child it used to scare the hell out of me & when ever i told an adult they thought i was crazy and took me to a … Continued

Fear and the OBE

posted in: Out of Body Experience | 6

We’ve gotten another guest post from a truly remarkable traveler who writes beautifully about her experiences and shares openly with readers that may be still hesitating to explore the state we call out-of-body, or OBE. One of the things that … Continued
