Explorers are known for the journeys they undertake. Explorers are brave and bold and fascinated by what is unknown to them. Explorers take risks, the kinds of risks most ordinary people wouldn’t dare dream of.

Why do they do it? Partly due to their passion for answers, perhaps for purely personal, and some might even say, selfish reasons. And partly to simply live the adventure of the exploration experience.

But for some explorers, there burns with them an overwhelming desire to push the bounds of human existence to new heights. To new levels and beyond.

For whatever reason that prompts them to want to explore in the first place, explorers ultimately push the boundaries of discovery for all of mankind to later reap the rewards.

Explorers push themselves. Sometimes quite hard. But they also push human evolution forward and often in quite dramatic fashions.

We all should be grateful to the brave, to the bold who have a insatiable passion and desire to explore. Robert Monroe was that type of person. Through his amazing work and his breakthrough discoveries, he pushed the evolution of humanity ever forward.

“We only say, if you look hard enough, you will find out something. You will find out that you are more than your physical body,”
he often repeated. This became his mission to prove to the world.

He also drew to him a number of fellow researchers who were equally passionate about understanding the many layers of human consciousness. Several have even stayed on to work at the Monroe Institute® or have maintained close ties to it.

Robert Monroe called these people Explorers. We would like to introduce them to you if you are not familiar with them already. Come with us on a journey of discovery as we meet Robert Monroe and the Explorers.

Here they are:

Skip Atwater: Captain of the Monroe Institute®

Courtney Brown: Remote Viewing Futurist

Frank DeMarco: Explorer of an Unsuspected Reality

Ken Eagle Feather: A Dreaming-Awake Explorer

Rosalind McKnight: Robert Monroe’s Soul Protegé

Joseph McMoneagle: Remote Viewer 001

Bruce Moen: Guide to the Afterlife and Beyond

David Morehouse: Remote Viewer Super Sleuth

Ronald Russell: Definitive Biographer

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The Monroe Institute furthers the experience and exploration of consciousness, expanded awareness and discovery of self through technology, education, research and development.